You Have to Know - basaffar

Surgery And Plastic Surgery For Eyes In Dr.Salem Basaffar Center

Surgery for eyelid is several medical surgeries aimed at improvement general appearance for eyes, that due to decrease blown or sluggish in the result of some disorders or genetic factors, and there are some surgeries in tissues around eyes and not in the eye.

Specialized Care In Eye Nerves In Dr.Salem Basaffar Center

An optic nerve is a group of nerve fibers that transfer nerve information from eye to brain when infection occurs the nerve will damage, here in D.Salem Basaffar center we have a group of specialist consultants to diagnose and analyze any problem in eyes by periodic examination and best medical treatment.

Test And Check Up In Eyes Is Important For Health Balance

Eyes are so precious grace, and it’s important to take care in your eyes healthy, and world health organization recommend to periodic examination for eyes in each two years for children, and in each 5 or 10 years for adult less than 40 years, and this period will reduce for those people who reach up of 40 year.

Care And Treatment Of Keratoconus In Dr.Salem Basaffar Center

In the beginning, we have to know the meaning of cornea, cornea it’s a clear layer that covers eyes and permits its vision, but when this cornea being weaker than normal, it moves forward in cone ship, that due to poor vision and myopic, and In medical we called this case the keratoconus.

Treatment Of Intraocular Pressure And Glaucoma In Dr.Salem Basaffar Center

Glaucoma is a damaging effect the optic nerve (that transmits picture that we saw to the brain). There is a strong relationship between intraocular pressure and glaucoma, which means when the intraocular pressure increase more than the normal level, the damage of the optic nerve will increase too, and this makes a blind spot in the eyes.